Religious Life

Recent Sermons

Handwashing – A Weekly Letter From Rabbi Davis – March 5, 2020

Shalom Chaverim, Since the time we were little kids, we were taught to wash our hands before we eat, after using the bathroom, before preparing food, etc. This washing is about physical cleanliness. As Jews, we are familiar with another kind of washing. We wash “al netilat yadiim” upon awakening in the morning, before eating bread, and after going to the bathroom. Although it might...

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Wealth vs Wisdom – A Shabbat Morning Sermon from Rabbi Davis – February 29, 2020

You can read a transcript of this sermon HERE

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Rabbi Davis Endorses Candidate – February 27, 2020

You can read a transcript of the video HERE

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122 Conversations – A Weekly Letter from Rabbi Davis – February 21, 2020

Shalom Chaverim I was recently at the airport (Terminal 2) where I saw a wonderful piece of art. It is called 122 Conversations by St Paul artist, Anne Labovitz. Labovitz reached out to people all around the world from Duluth’s sister cities in Canada, Sweden, Russia, Kurdistan, and Japan. They discussed a variety of topics such as generosity, friendship, and community. Inspired by these encounters,...

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Covenant – A Weekly Letter by Rabbi Davis – February 14, 2020

Shalom Chaverim, We are familiar with a bris, a ceremony when a baby boy is circumcised. We probably have heard of the organization B’nai Brith that spawned Hillel, BBYO, and the ADL. And maybe we know the term Luchot Habrit, the Tablets of the Law that Moshe received on Sinai. Common to all of these phrases is brit, covenant. What really is a covenant? A...

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Deadly Disease – A Weekly Letter from Rabbi Davis – February 7, 2020

Shalom Chaverim, Over the past few weeks, we have watched with growing concern as the coronavirus spreads from China around the world. We hope that doctors and the health care system respond quickly and effectively to stem the spread of this deadly virus. As I look out, I fear there is another disease that is spreading and infecting our nation. It’s a disease that manifests...

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