Religious Life

Recent Sermons

Choose Life! – Yom Kippur 5779 – Rabbi Alexander Davis

Choose Life! Yom Kippur 5779 Rabbi Alexander Davis Rabbi Greenberg was cleaning up the house when he came across a box he didn’t recognize. His wife had told him to leave it alone, to never touch it as it was personal. One day, however, when she was out, his curiosity got the best of him. He opened the box and inside found 3 eggs and...

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Our Better Angels – Rosh Hashanah – Rabbi Alexander Davis

Our Better Angels Rosh Hashana 5779 Rabbi Alexander Davis Sometimes, late at night, I check on my boys after they fall asleep.  I pull up their covers, turn off their radio. And then I just stand there and stare. In the dark of their room lit only by a night light, I could just stare for hours. After homework battles are over, after they’ve showered...

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Who is the Fool? – Rosh Hashanah 5779 – Rabbi Avi Olitzky

Who is the Fool? Rosh Hashanah 5779 Rabbi Avi Olitzky When we chat with someone, especially when we disagree, we immediately judge them. We think that they’re wrong, they’re biased, they’re stupid. It begs the question: how do we talk to someone (or even with someone) when we think s/he is a fool? Do we ignore them? Do we, or should we, engage them at...

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A Prayer for the New Year – A Weekly Letter From Rabbi Davis – September 14, 2018

Shalom Chaverim, Each year on Rosh Hashana, I turn to Beth El’s founding rabbi for a message of inspiration with which to enter the holiday. In his book, The Jewish Way of Life, Rabbi David Aronson concludes his first section on “Man and His Maker” with an exploration of prayer. He reviews major themes of Jewish prayers and highlights a few select prayers such as...

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Refinishing our Hearts for the New Year

Refinishing our Hearts for the New Year 28 Elul 5778 | September 8, 2018 Rabbi Alexander Davis Daniel: Hey Mr. Miyagi, this is beautiful. Man, I thought Chung Lees Chinese restaurant was nice. This is paradise. You made this garden, this deck yourself? Mr. Miyagi: Ahh. Daniel: What are these? Bongos? Miyagi: Ahh, Daniel-son, you bunch of humor. Daniel: What are they? Miyagi: Japanese sander....

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Appointing Judges – A Weekly Letter From Rabbi Davis – September 7, 2018

Shalom Chaverim, In between writing High Holy Day sermons, I have caught snipits of the raucous Supreme Court confirmation hearings. I am not a legal historian so can’t say if what we are seeing is unprecedented. But the proceedings interest me and the questions being raised concern me. Watching the appointment process unfold, I am reminded of a midrash on the Book of Deuteronomy: Rabbi...

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