Religious Life

Recent Sermons

Traveling Shofar – A Weekly Letter from Rabbi Davis – August 31, 2018

Shalom Chaverim, I recently returned from a family vacation in Oregon. As I was packing for the trip, I suddenly realized that I would be traveling in the month of Elul. Throughout this month, it’s customary to sound the shofar every morning to prepare for the coming holidays. My kids suggested that I simply download an app and use my phone to blow the shofar....

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Tekiah: Embrace the Covenant! – A Weekly Letter From Rabbi Davis – August 10, 2018

Shalom Chaverim, This summer, I have had the privilege of taking a number of adults to the mikvah to supervise their conversion to Judaism. They emerged from the mikvah wet from the water and from their tears of joy. Having studied and reflected, wrestled and experimented, they decided to formally and officially join the Jewish people. In some cases, these adults were introduced to Judaism...

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Mezuzah Musings – A Weekly Letter From Rabbi Davis – August 3, 2018

Shalom Chaverim, Over the course of the past year, I had the privilege of teaching a group of talented artists. It was the sixth year of the Minneapolis Jewish Artists’ Lab, this time under the auspices of the The Well and the Sabes JCC. The Artists’ Lab provides an opportunity for artists to explore Jewish tradition while building a stronger arts community. We are one...

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My Summer Reading – A Weekly Letter From Rabbi Davis – July 27, 2018

Shalom Chaverim, I have a stack of books on my office floor that I am hoping to read. There are books about art, Jewish history, Israeli politics, the Hebrew Bible, and more. I am probably overly ambitious with how much I will actually read. So far this summer, I have only gotten to one book- The Lost Book of Moses by Chanan Tigay. In 1893,...

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Strict Compassion – A Weekly Letter From Rabbi Davis – July 20, 2018

Shalom Chaverim, Whenever we host visitors from out of town, we end up revisiting local tourist attractions. Last weekend, for example, we went to the State capital with the shlichah we are hosting from Israel. I have been to the capital many times but rarely as a tourist. I love learning about the history, art and architecture that reflect the values that undergird our government....

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Rescuing the Thai Boys – A Weekly Letter from Rabbi Davis – July 13, 2018

Shalom Chaverim, Like many people this week, I was riveted to the story of the Thai soccer boys saved from drowning in a cave. As I followed the unfolding drama, I couldn’t help but think about a scene in the Book of Jonah. After Jonah was tossed overboard and even after he was swallowed by the fish, he felt like he was drowning. So, he...

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