Religious Life

Recent Sermons

Parenting is a Privilige

Parenting is a Privilige 16 Adar 5778 Rabbi Alexander Davis I was walking through the local supermarket the other day when I saw a grandfather holding hands with his five year old grandson. It was obvious that the grandpa wasn’t having an easy time of it. Every time the kid saw candy or toys, he’d start to scream. “I want this. I want that!” I...

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Hearing the Cry

Hearing the Cry 19 Tevet 5778 Rabbi Alexander Davis Once, a rabbi, a priest, and a minister went out in the middle of a lake. The priest told his two colleagues, “Shoot, I left my fishing rod in the car; I’ll be right back.” He got out of the boat, walked across the water to the beach, got to the car, walked back across the...

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The Expulsion of Jews From Arab Lands

The Expulsion of Jews From Arab Lands 7 Kislev 5778 Rabbi Alexander Davis Vayeitzei, our ancestors left. They left Iraq where a large community of Jews lived for 2600 years. In June 1941, violent riots known as the Farhud erupted targeting the Jewish population, mainly in Bagdad. Killing 179 innocent people, injuring more than 2,100 and leaving 242 children orphans, this act of violence was...

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Assault of Sarah

Assault of Sarah 8 Cheshvan 5778 Rabbi Alexander Davis I don’t know if this happens to you. But whenever I go to the movies and I watch the credits, I secretly take note of all the Jewish names. I feel a sense of pride seeing the list of Spielberg and Goldberg and Weinberg. But since the Harvey Weinstein scandal, seeing those list of names scroll...

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Climate Change

Climate Change Rabbi Alexander Davis 24 Tishrei 5778   “Vayar elohim ki tov And God looked and saw and it was good.” “Vayar elohim ki tov And God looked and saw and it was good.” “Vayar elohim ki tov And God looked and saw and it was good.” Over and over, God looks out on creation and proclaims it good. But today, when look out,...

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A Sukkah Response to Las Vegas – Sukkot 5778

A Sukkah Response to Las Vegas Sukkot 5778 • Beth El Synagogue Rabbi Alexander Davis If only it had been an Islamic terrorist, I keep saying to myself. I am embarrassed to say that. But it is the thought that keeps going through my mind. Because if it had been an Islamic terrorist, then at least we could say to ourselves, “they died as proud...

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