Religious Life

Recent Sermons

Truth and Lies – Yom Kippur 5778

Truth and Lies – Yom Kippur 5778 Beth El Synagogue Rabbi Alexander Davis I always love the high holy days. I love the feeling of pageantry and the prayers, the shofar and the honey. And I love the crowds. How inspiring to look out and see 10,000 people packed into our sanctuary. Believe me. Standing room only. And if you count the live stream, half...

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The Well – Rosh Hashanah 5778

The Well Rosh Hashana 5778 • Beth El Synagogue Rabbi Alexander Davis Once, a group of yeshiva students were traveling through the countryside on a hot summer day when all of a sudden they spotted a cool, fresh pond just on the other side of a fence. They jumped the fence, ran to the pond and plunged in. After a while of splashing and laughing,...

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Live by the Law, Don’t Die by it

Rosh Hashanah Day 1 Rabbi Avi Olitzky

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Parashat Vayikra – Nuance not Apathy

Parashat Vayikra – Nuance not Apathy – Rabbi Avi Olitzky

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Converso “Conversion”

Converso “Conversion” 2 Sivan 5777 • Bamidbar • May 17, 2017 Rabbi Alexander Davis   From Manchester, to the President at the Kotel, to the investigation into Russian meddling, there is much to consider. But sometimes it is also important to be able to put aside the daily newswire and be transported to a different time and place. And that’s what I’d like to do...

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True Security: Chazak, Chazak, V’nitchazek

“True Security: Chazak, Chazak, V’nitchazek” 27 Adar 5777 • Vayakhel-Pekudei • Shabbat Hachodesh • March 25, 2017 Rabbi Alexander Davis   What do we do when we finish a book? Talk about it in book group. Return it to the library. Start a new book. As Jews, we do something else: we rise and call out, “chazak chazak v’nitchazek strength, strength, may we be strengthened.”...

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