Religious Life

Recent Sermons

The Smell of Deceit

“The Smell of Deceit” 3 Kislev 5777 • Toldot • December 3, 2016 Rabbi Alexander Davis Are you ready for a pop quiz? What does “Minneapolis” mean? It’s not that we are the Mini Apple west of the Mississippi to New York’s Big Apple. Mini means water; polis means city. So, city of water. What does “Minnesota” mean? Mini means water. Sota means sky-tinted or...

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Conflict of Interest

“Conflict of Interest” 25 Cheshvan 5777 • Chayei Sara • November 26, 2016 Rabbi Alexander Davis Matchmaker, Matchmaker, Make me a match, Find me a find, catch me a catch Matchmaker, Matchmaker Look through your book, And make me a perfect match Matchmaker, Matchmaker, I’ll bring the veil, You bring the groom, Slender and pale. Bring me a ring for I’m longing to be, The...

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Keep Far From a Bad Neighbor

“Keep Far From a Bad Neighbor” 18 Cheshvan 5777 • Vayeira • November 19, 2016 Rabbi Alexander Davis I haven’t been to a Vikings game to know if they do the wave. But I imagine it would be pretty cool looking in the new stadium. The wave is not only fun, it is contagious. It first appeared in 1986 at a World Cup soccer tournament...

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A Woman Reciting Kaddish?! Praying For Peace

“A Woman Reciting Kaddish?! Praying For Peace” 20 Tishrei 5777 • Chol Hamoed Sukkot • October 22, 2016 Rabbi Alexander Davis Shabbat Shalom, I want to take you back for a moment to the funeral of Shimon Peres. I spoke a bit about him at Yizkor on Yom Kippur. But there was something noteworthy at his funeral that may have gone under your radar screen....

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Locker Room Talk

“Locker Room Talk” 13 Tishrei 5777 • Haazinu • October 15, 2016 Rabbi Alexander Davis Shabbat Shalom, “They are just words. I am not proud of them. Locker room talk. Just words. This is guy’s talk. Locker room banter.” First of all, I just have to say that when I am in the locker room at the JCC (and I haven’t been for a while),...

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Who By Fire?

October 12, 2016

It is Neilah and again I stand before you to speak carrying on a tradition begun by Rabbi Aronson...

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