Religious Life

Recent Sermons

Community Healing Service – May 13, 2020

Brought to you by the Minnesota Rabbinical Assembly, the Minnesota Cantors Assembly and the Twin Cities Jewish Chaplains Co-Sponsored by Minneapolis Jewish Federation, St. Paul Jewish Federation, JFCS, JFS and Sholom

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Sacred Shleppers | Words from Rabbi Davis on Kabbalat Shabbat | 5-22-20


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100 Daily Blessings – From Cantor Audrey Abrams

100 Daily Blessings – Add to the List! The rabbis tell us that we need to say 100 blessings a day. This would easily be achieved if you prayed Shacharit, Mincha, Ma’ariv and all prayers required throughout the day around meals and more. But if you don’t daven out of a siddur three times a day, it doesn’t mean you can’t say your own. How...

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Ethics in the Time of Pandemic – A Conversation with Professor Jeffrey Kahn

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Jews & Medicine – A Weekly Letter From Rabbi Davis – March 13, 2020

Shalom Chaverim The following story is told in the Talmud (AZ 55a): A man named Zunin said to Rabbi Akiva, “How is that sick men enter a shrine full of idols and leave cured? Perhaps idols have the power of healing?” Rabbi Akiva rejected this notion explaining, “When someone gets sick, the disease takes an oath to afflict the person at such and such a...

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We: The Olive Tree – Shabbat Sermon from Rabbi Olitzky – March 7, 2020


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